aN AppLE @ DAY, kEePs tHe DocToR FaR faR aWaY!

on Monday, April 27, 2009

Heard the Phrase before?? There is sth HIDDEN in the phrase!

1ST, you'll be convinced to eat as many apple as possible as u think it'll keep the doctor very far far away! However, most of the listeners will do what had been told as they do not know the consequences. One of the consequences is that you'll sure go to the doc's because the apple's acid[Lactic Acid](if I'm not mistaken) inside collaborate with the Hydrochloric Acid inside your stomach which increases the intensity of the stomach which FINALLY Leads 2 STOMACH ULCERS! Therefore you'll find the doctor as fast as possible!

In fact, this effect only starts when you take too much apples in your diet. For your information, apples is not really a cure to anything as we need to put a lots of varieties of foods in our daily life. For example, a friend of mine learn the habit of eating an apple a day since he went to Labuan Matriculation College. After a few weeks of trial, his body got "overheated" until his body tries 2 emit the "heat" out via secretion of a measles-like syndrome. This concludes that apples cannot prevent the disease but the vital support is yourself!

2nd, this article is to be continued . . . due to unfavourable conditions.


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